
Rent Collection Service

1* We will serve the correct notices on time should there be rent arrears, however, legal advice/ legal services may be required if there are further tenant disputes. We can assist with this on a Full Management Service but we would recommend obtaining a Rental Guarantee which covers up to £50,000 of Legal Expenses and Unlimited Rent Cover until the tenant is evicted, should this situation arise.

2* Prices for a full inventory report vary between £80-£140 dependent upon size, furnished/ unfurnished, and whether it is a check in/ check out report. Estimated that a 2/3 bedroom house will cost around £100-£130. Please read the ‘Inventory’ sheet for further information. Please note: without an inventory, the landlord may lose the right to make a claim against damage caused by the tenant during the term of the let.

3* PAT Test Prices – This is a test of appliances and not hardwire:

Up to 5 Appliances – £55.00
Up to 20 Appliances £65.00
Up to 50 appliances £105.00

We operate a NO LET NO FEE policy. If we do not let your property, we do not charge a fee. We can give this offer as we are very confident that we will find you the perfect tenant at the right time.